Trouble in with Reunification

 12/02/2004 - According to ChessBase there is trouble with the Reunification process. The Kasparov vs. Kasimdzhanov may not occur in Dubai this January.  Efforts are underway to hold the match in Turkey. Kasparov was worried about this match even coming off. He was right as usual.  Now FIDE runs the risk of losing the world championship process if they can't pull this match off. I am wondering if the problem stems from the fact that Kasparov is a heavy favorite to defeat Kasimdzhanov. This is one of the problems with FIDE KO, it doesn't always lead to choosing a top player as a champion.  That's why we need a more rigorous world championship process. A process that picks a true world champion. A process that matches top players against each other. A true test of dominance.  We need to get a process that selects a champion who will be respected by all. Should FIDE fail here, I think Prague should still be honored. 

     Kramnik has suggested that ACP organize a tournament consisting of Anand, Ponomariov, Kasimdzhanov and Kasparov. The winner would face Kramnik. I think Kasparov should accept this proposal should FIDE fail. The Prague agreement must be honored in spirit to reunify the world championship.  Then the ACP and its members should sit down and come up with a true process for the selection of the world champion. The process should allow the current world champion to defend his title against the best of the rest.  It must honor and respect the rich tradition of the chess world champions. Prague spirit still lives and breathes. It is needed to heal the chess world. It's needed to heal the damage FIDE caused in 1993. The chess world needs a champion that all players and fans can respect.

ChessBase article - About match in Turkey
Kasparov's interview after winning Russian Championship
Kramnik getting cold feet on reunification
Kramnik's press release in November
Getting Strong now 
Fide Reunification marches on