How Ruslan Ponomariov won the

2001 - 2002 FIDE Knockout World Championship

          The tournament started on 11/27/2001 and the semi final round finished on 12/14/2001.


  ROUND 1 - Ruslan Ponomariov defeats   Li Wenliang  by a score 1.5 - .5 

       ROUND 2 - Ruslan Ponomariov defeats  Tiviakov, S (69th rated) two classical game were drawn. Ponomariov  won the blitz/rapid  2-0

       ROUND 3 - Ruslan Ponomariov defeats   Georgiev ,Ki (33rd rated) by a score 2-0 

       ROUND 4 - Ruslan Ponomariov defeats   Morozevich, A (5th rated) by score 2.5 – 1.5 .
 First two classical games were split one win a piece. Then Ponomariov won one of the two-blitz/rapid games.

       ROUND 5 - Ruslan Ponomariov defeats  Bareev, E (12th rated) by a score 3-1 – two game match.   First 2 classical games were drawn.  Ponomariov  won two blitz/rapid games

       ROUND 6 -  Ruslan Ponomariov defeats   Svidler,P(17th rated) by a score of 2.5 – 1.5 – 4 game match.
         The final match  s
tarted 1/16/2002 – 1/25/2002

       ROUND 7 - Ruslan Ponomariov defeats -Ivanchuk, V (8th rated) by a score 4.5 – 2.5 – 8 game match 
