Expert comments on San Luis

8/30/2005 -

James Rizzitano - on chess FM with Fred Wilson,  8/30/2005- The Margin is so slight. One slip up will decide the title. Some players  trying to play dynamically will lose a few games. Their play will get desperate and the will stretch and reach and lose again. Players will be cautious in the beginning and open up as the tournament goes on and try to take the lead. Topalov slight favorite, then Anand 2nd, Leko third.

Garry Kasparov - New in Chess 2005 #6 -  Rustam Kasimdzhanov's knock-out and rapid sang froid won't be of much help, but he doesn't unbalance the powerful field. I'd put the chances on the San Luis winner coming fro  the trio of Anand, Leko, and Topalov as high as 95%. Two of the top three spots will mostly  likely be occupied by this trio. Its hardly going out on a limb to call Anand a slight favorite, white the length of the tournament improves Topalov's chances.