Chess Humor

Sherlock Hangin - Two Little Piggies Went to the Market 07/07/2024

Chess Encounter of the Dream Kind - 05/10/2024

One Angry Chess Jurist - 08/02/2023

Hangin Wynchell - Broken Finger - 05/22/2023

Hangin Rooney - 05/01/2023

Hangin King Live - 12/24/2012

Martians land in San Diego - 3/9/2006

Hangin outed - 12/14/2005

Hangin's OTB - 1/25/2005

Chess most wanted - 12/25/2004

Hangin puts the question to the bishop - 10/24/2004
This won the 2005 Chess journalism-  CJA category 34 award
Best Humorous contribution

Keys to Victory Fischer vs. Bush and Koizumi - 10/22/2004

Hangin is hurt - 10/13/2005

top 10 chess pet names -2/3/2004