2005 Kings Award

 In 2004, Accoona launched its new innovative web search engine - www.accoona.com.

 In 2005, Accoona was busy promoting the game of chess in New York City. In March of 2005, they hosted the American-Chinese Championship. This matched former US Woman's Champion Irina Krush vs. Chinese Woman's Champion Zhu Chen. It was an exciting match, which Zhu Chen won in a wild time scramble in the final game.

  In June of this year, Accoona invited FIDE KO Champion Rustam Kasimdzhanov to play a one game match against Accoona's silicon beast named Al-Toolbar in New York City. This turned out to be a very exciting game. After going against conventional wisdom and sacrificing a knight, Rustam had the silicon monster on the ropes, but Rustam did not have enough time to find his way to victory. Al Toolbar was saved by the bell, when Rustam went for the perpetual check draw.

  It's always exciting to meet international chess stars like Chen and Kasimdzhanov. This is an important way to help promote the game of chess in the United States. Accoona has now won back to back US Kings awards.   


Chess Reporter
Rustam Kasimdzhanov vs. Al Toolbar
Krush vs. Chen
Rustam Kasimdzhanov
Irina Krush
Zhu Chen
Al Toolbar
2004 US Kings Award