
Common questions :

  1  Why should Kasparov be seeded into the process ?

  2  Why should Peter Leko agree to this ? 

  3  Why should FIDE accept this ?

  4  Why should Kasparov accept this ?

  5 Why should Kramnik accept this ?

  6  Why should millions of chess fans accept this ?

  7 Why should the World Champion have to play only 1 match, where as the challenger has to play 3 ?

  8   It's not fair that the challengers have to use up their opening novelties in 3 candidate matches ? 

  9  Why should Kasparov play Leko and not play the winner of the FIDE knockout tournament ?

  10 Who is the legitimate World Chess Champion ?
  11 How did the split between World Championships occur ?   



  Why should Kasparov be seeded into the process ?

         Garry Kasparov is the current Ex World Champion. Other World Champions have had greater advantage, Botvinnik and Karpov had automatic rematch clauses.  The loser of the last World Chess Championship was automatically seeded into the candidate match process. Kasparov is the number one player in the world.  Unfortunately we don’t have time to do this process correctly. Bottom line, Garry Kasparov deserves to be seeded in the candidate matches.


 2 Why should Peter Leko agree to this ?

    Peter Leko is in danger of being written out of the process all together. Just like Shirov was in 1998.  Peter should endorse this proposal. If not, he should consider playing in the Fide Knockout Tournaments to increase his chances of getting a match with Kasparov or Kramnik.


 3  Why should FIDE accept this ?

    If FIDE is concerned about bring a world championship to the masses, this is the quickest way to do it. There are too many holes in the current process. The Chess World Championship is in danger of being postponed indefinitely. In, 1946 FIDE took control of  organizing of  world title matches. For many years they did a great job. Fide has an opportunity to reunify chess, if they miss this opportunity, they could lose the right to represent chess.


  4  Why should Kasparov accept this ?

  Well Garry will play anyone, he wants his title back. Garry does not fear any carbon based units. Garry signed the contract to play Ponomoriov, and Garry did not like the contract at all


 Why should Kramnik accept this ?

   If he wants his million dollar match up, this is the way to go. He needs to defend his title, it’s been three years now. He owes it to the millions of chess fans who want to see a world title match.


 6 Why should the millions of chess fans accept this ?

    We all deserve to see a championship match. This is the quickest way to go. It is also a good method as well.\


 7  Why should the World Champion only have to play one match, where as the challengers have to play three ?

   Well Spassky, Fischer , Karpov, Kasparov went thru this process to become world champion. The title changes hands. The selection process to find a candidate challenger is not supposed to be easy.  The World Champion only plays one match  because we want to preserve Chess’ rich tradition of the man who beat the man who beat the man. The process is a three year process, so the candidates get to recharge their minds, bodies and chess soulsThe World Champion gets to enjoy the title and promote the game of  chess. Chess fans can feel good about the  challenger and the champion knowing both have been tested by fire and the winner is worthy of being  placed along side of  Steinitz, Lasker, Capablanca, Alekhine, Euwe, Botvinnik, Smyslov, Tal , Petrosian, Spassky, Fischer, Karpov, Kasparov, Kramnik.


  8 It's not fair that the challenger has to use up his novelties in three candidate matches ?

  It’s a three year cycle, so the challengers will have time to recharge and develop new strategies. The World Champion will not know who he is facing, until the final candidate match. So both will have time to develop opening strategies.  As far as opening novelties are concerned, if you know the theory behind the opening and you see a novelty then you play chess and figure out what to do. This is the what chess is all about. As a challenger you know who the World Champion is and you can prepare for him ahead of time. NO question it is going to be tough, it’s not supposed to be easy. As a candidate challenger if you are the stronger player, then maybe you don’t need to use your novelties, take your opponent down to the endgame, wear him or her out. If you are the weaker player, hang tough.


 9 Why should Kasparov play Leko and not the winner of a Fide knockout winner ?

    Leko earned the right to play Kramnik for the world championship by winning Dortmund in 2002. He also won Linares in 2003. Garry was to play Ponomoriov, the 2002 fide knockout winner, who refused to play. Also the Fide knockout event is too random to be good for challenger selection. So in order to see a World Championship in 2004, this is the best and quickest way to go. It's a fair approach for all parties.

  I urge all parties to accept some if not all of these proposals for the good of chess.


10. Who is the legitimate Chess World Champion ?

 Vladimir Kramnik is the Legitimate Chess World Champion. 

 Here is why ?

  The process determines  the legitimate Chess World Champion. Today we have 2 competing processes. The first is the FIDE blitz crazed "grab bag" knockout tournament process. The second is the man who beat the man who beat the man process.  When you examine these two processes, you should only draw one conclusion. The man who beat the man who beat the man is the legitimate process. When you study the history of the great World Champions, you see that the title has changed hands thru the man who beat the man who beat the man, with two exception. In 1946 Alexander Alekhine died and in 1975 Bobby  Fischer refused to defend his title. Vladimir Kramnik is the current world champion. He is the man who beat Garry Kasparov who beat Anatoly Karpov.  


11. How did the split in world championships occur ?

 In  1993,  during the bidding process for the Garry Kasparov vs. Nigel Short World Championship,  the players got upset that then FIDE President Campomanes decided to ignore their input on sponsorship and venue for the match. Nigel called Garry Kasparov  and both decided to break away from FIDE and form their own organization called the PCA.  FIDE, deciding not to mend the split, held its first FIDE SHAMpionship.  FIDE held a match between the two opponents that Nigel Short had defeated in the candidate process.  The bogus championship was between Anatoly Karpov, the 12th World Champion, and  Jan Timman, a very talented player and author. World Champion  Garry Kasparov went on to defeat Nigel Short, in a very exciting match, by a score of 12.5 - 7.5.  Anatoly Karpov defeated Jan Timman by a score  of (12.5- 8.5). The rift has yet to be mended.



 12 why