In November of 2003 GM Fridrik Olafsson defeated GM Bent Larsen in an 8 game rapid match. This was a rematch from their 1956 encounter which Larson had won 4.5 -3.5. This time Olafsson got his revenge and won 5-3. Bent Larson was a top western player in the 1970's. He was first board ahead of Bobby Fischer during the famous USSR vs. the World match in 1970. Bent won his board against Spassky and Stein by a score of 2.5 - 1.5. Bent Larsen was a four time candidate for the world championship. He lost to Bobby Fischer in the 1971 semifinal candidate match by a score of 6 -0.Fridrik Olafsson is an Icelandic GM, who qualified for the 1959 candidates tournament. He was on the 1970 World's team. He was the 1st substitute. He lost his only encounter to former World Champion Vassily Smyslov.Olafsson won the following tournaments *) 1972 Reykjavik Tournament, shared
first with Hort and Gheorghui
Here is one of the games from their recent match: