excerpts: David Levy : good morning ladies and gentleman , I am David Levy President of the International Computer Games Association. As Garry just reminded me.. I started this kind of activity in 1968 .. when I made a bet that no program would win a match against me in 10 years. I actually lasted 21 years .. and lost in 1989 finally, fortunately Garry takes up the mantle of the human race and continues the struggle somewhat more successfully than I did .. this event is being sanctions by the International Computer games association . ……. We organize the annual World Computer Chess Championships . we are very proud to be associated with this event .. This event is unique in several ways .. firstly as you know it’s the first virtual reality man vs. machine world champion ship …. And such that x3d and Garry Kasparov should be congratulated for a number of reasons The technology is absolutely awesome and it will be wonderful for every one watching it. I think it requires new kinds of powers on Gary’s part. He’s being some sort of professional guinea pig. He’s the first to undertake many challengers in this man vs. machine world. He was the first to take on a really strong world-class program. He is the first now to play in virtual reality which is a kind of experiment and by doing this he’s bringing virtual reality to the human race, in a very serious and specific way, and because of ESPN and the coverage of the event all 4 games by … this means virtual reality and the awesome x3d technology and chess and computer chess all of these will be thrust to the public that’s never been seen before which will benefit the chess world, computer chess world of science … x3d …it makes people the world over realize how wonderful virtual reality is ..Thank you and congratulations